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TESLA Reports 1998
TESLA Reports 1998

Some Results about RRR Distribution in Nb of Superconducting Cavities for the TESLA Test Facility
Huaming Wen, Waldemar Singer, Dieter Proch - DESY
Huaming Wen, Waldemar Singer, Dieter Proch - DESY

Modeling of He II Two-Phase Flow for the TESLA 500 Cryogenic System
N.N. Filina - NPO Cryogenmash;
John G. Weisend, Siegfried Wolff - DESY
N.N. Filina - NPO Cryogenmash;
John G. Weisend, Siegfried Wolff - DESY

R & D Issues in the Field of Superconducting Cavities (Transparencies from the TESLA Meeting March 9 - 11., 1998)

Transparencies from the TESLA Meeting at DESY, March 9-11, 1998

Superconducting Superstructure for the TESLA Collider
Jacek Sekutowicz, Chuanxiang Tang - DESY;
Massimo Ferrario - INFN Frascati
Jacek Sekutowicz, Chuanxiang Tang - DESY;
Massimo Ferrario - INFN Frascati

Hydroforming Test of Back Extruded Niobium Tube
I. Gonin, I. Jelezov, Hartwig Kaiser, Waldemar Singer, - DESY;
M. Oehring, H.-G. Priesmeyer - GKSS;
R. Schnieber, H.-G. Brokmeier, - TU Clausthal
I. Gonin, I. Jelezov, Hartwig Kaiser, Waldemar Singer, - DESY;
M. Oehring, H.-G. Priesmeyer - GKSS;
R. Schnieber, H.-G. Brokmeier, - TU Clausthal

A Hilbert Transform Spectrometer Using a High Tc Josephson Junction for Bunch Length Measurements at the TTF Linac
M. Geitz, Klaus Hanke, Peter Schmüser - DESY and II Phys. Institute of Hamburg Univ.;
Y.Y. Divin, U. Poppe - FZ Jülich GmbH;
V.V. Pavlovskii, V.V. Shirotov, O.Y. Volkov - Inst. of Radioengineering & Electronics of RAS, Moscow;
Manfred Tonutti - III. Phys. Inst. of RWTH Aachen
M. Geitz, Klaus Hanke, Peter Schmüser - DESY and II Phys. Institute of Hamburg Univ.;
Y.Y. Divin, U. Poppe - FZ Jülich GmbH;
V.V. Pavlovskii, V.V. Shirotov, O.Y. Volkov - Inst. of Radioengineering & Electronics of RAS, Moscow;
Manfred Tonutti - III. Phys. Inst. of RWTH Aachen

A. Gauthier, B. Jager, B. Rousset - CEN Grenoble

Experimental Determination of the Electrical Axis in TESLA Cavities
Craig Deibele - DESY
Craig Deibele - DESY

A New Method to Detect the High Impedance Dipole Modes of TESLA Cavities
Stéphane Fartoukh - CEA Saclay
Stéphane Fartoukh - CEA Saclay

Filling and Beam Loading in TESLA Superstructures
Martin Dohlus - DESY;
Hans-Walter Glock, D. Hecht, Ursula van Rienen - Universität Rostock
Martin Dohlus - DESY;
Hans-Walter Glock, D. Hecht, Ursula van Rienen - Universität Rostock

Tracking Studies in the Longitudinal Phase Space for the TESLA Damping Ring Design
Christopher Burnton - DESY
Christopher Burnton - DESY

Towards the Third Generation of TTF Cryomodule
D. Barni, Carlo Pagani, P. Pierini - INFN Milano, LASA
D. Barni, Carlo Pagani, P. Pierini - INFN Milano, LASA

Beam Dynamic Aspects of the TESLA Power Coupler
M. Zhang, Chuanxiang Tang - DESY
M. Zhang, Chuanxiang Tang - DESY

The New Front End Module of the TTF Strip-Line BPM Detector With Single Bunch Response
L. Cacciotti, P. Patteri, Franco Tazzioli - INFN Frascati
L. Cacciotti, P. Patteri, Franco Tazzioli - INFN Frascati

Transparencies from the TESLA Meeting at DESY, July 6-8, 1998

Vector Sum Control of Pulsed Accelerating Fields in Lorentz Force Detuned Superconducting Cavities (Thesis)
Thomas Schilcher - DESY/Universität Hamburg
Thomas Schilcher - DESY/Universität Hamburg

DESY Contributions to the ICEC17, 14-17 July 1998, Bounemouth, UK

Application of the Mode Matching Technique for the Computation of the Beam Parameters on an Infinite Periodic Structure
Andreas Jöstingmeier, Martin Dohlus, Norbert Holtkamp - DESY
Andreas Jöstingmeier, Martin Dohlus, Norbert Holtkamp - DESY

Computation of the Absorption Characteristics of a Two-Dimensional Rectangular Waveguide Array Using the Mode Matching Technique
Andreas Jöstingmeier, Martin Dohlus, Norbert Holtkamp - DESY
Andreas Jöstingmeier, Martin Dohlus, Norbert Holtkamp - DESY

RF Kick Measurement on TTF and Comparison with the TESLA Specifications
Stéphane Fartoukh, Marcel Jablonka, Olivier Napoly - CEA Saclay;
Terry Garvey - LAL Orsay;
Markus Hüning, Hans Weise - DESY
Stéphane Fartoukh, Marcel Jablonka, Olivier Napoly - CEA Saclay;
Terry Garvey - LAL Orsay;
Markus Hüning, Hans Weise - DESY

Relative Nonuniformity in the Amplitude of the Accelerating Field Along the M x N-cell TESLA Supercavities
Martin Dohlus - DESY;
V. Kaljuzhny - MEPhI
Martin Dohlus - DESY;
V. Kaljuzhny - MEPhI

Field Measurement Simulation and Measurement Error Estimation in TESLA Cavities at Room Temperature
Martin Dohlus, Norbert Holtkamp - DESY;
V. Kaljuzhny - MEPhI
Martin Dohlus, Norbert Holtkamp - DESY;
V. Kaljuzhny - MEPhI

Transparencies from the TTF Coupler Meeting Saclay, October 19-20, 1998
Ed. Stéphane Chel, Christian Travier - CEA Saclay
Ed. Stéphane Chel, Christian Travier - CEA Saclay

Beam Position Measurements at the TTF Linac
Pedro Castro - DESY
Pedro Castro - DESY

Comparison of the Beam Parameters Corresponding to Corrugated Circular Waveguides and Planar Gratings
Andreas Jöstingmeier, Martin Dohlus - DESY
Andreas Jöstingmeier, Martin Dohlus - DESY

Bunch Compressor Options for the New TESLA Parameters
Paul Emma - DAPNIA/SEA
Paul Emma - DAPNIA/SEA

Multipole Field Tolerances in the TESLA Final Doublet Quadrupoles
Paul Emma, Olivier Napoly - DAPNIA/SEA
Paul Emma, Olivier Napoly - DAPNIA/SEA

Dynamic Aperture and Collimation in the TESLA Beam Delivery System
Paul Emma, Olivier Napoly - DAPNIA/SEA
Paul Emma, Olivier Napoly - DAPNIA/SEA