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TESLA Reports 2006
TESLA Reports 2006

Design and Implementation of Universal Mathematical Library Supporting Algorithm Development for FPGA Based Systems in High Energy Physics Experiments (Thesis)
Wojciech Jalmuzna - Warsaw University of Technology
Wojciech Jalmuzna - Warsaw University of Technology

Application of a Genetic Algorithm to Unfold Thermoluminescence Dosimeter (TLD) Glow Curves for Use During Radiation Measurements for X-FEL Experiment in DESY, Hamburg (Thesis)
Krzysztof Kamil Korzunowicz - Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics and Informational Technologies
Krzysztof Kamil Korzunowicz - Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics and Informational Technologies
TESLA 2006-03
never published

Synchronic, Optical Transmission Data Link Integrated with FPGA Circuits (for TESLA LLRF Control System) (Thesis)
Jerzy Stefan Zielinski - Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Faculty of Electronics and Informational Technologies
Jerzy Stefan Zielinski - Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Faculty of Electronics and Informational Technologies

SIMCON 3.1 LLRF System Control Board Measurements (for TESLA Test Facility) (Thesis)
Rafal Pietrasik - Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Faculty of Electronics and Informational Technologies
Rafal Pietrasik - Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Faculty of Electronics and Informational Technologies
TESLA 2006-06
never published

FPGA Based Multichannel Optical Concentrator SIMCON 4.0 for TESLA Cavities LLRF Control System
Karol Perkuszewski, Krzysztof T. Pozniak, Wojciech Jalmużna, Waldemar Koprek, Jaroslaw Szewinski, Ryszard S Romaniuk - Institute of Electronic Systems, Warsaw University of Technology;
Stefan Simrock - DESY
Karol Perkuszewski, Krzysztof T. Pozniak, Wojciech Jalmużna, Waldemar Koprek, Jaroslaw Szewinski, Ryszard S Romaniuk - Institute of Electronic Systems, Warsaw University of Technology;
Stefan Simrock - DESY

Control System Modelling for Superconducting Accelerator
Tomasz Czarski, Krzysztof Pozniak, Ryszard S.Romaniuk - Warsaw University of Technology;
Stefan Simrock - DESY
Tomasz Czarski, Krzysztof Pozniak, Ryszard S.Romaniuk - Warsaw University of Technology;
Stefan Simrock - DESY

FPGA Based Modular Configurable Controller with Fast Synchronous Optical Network
Rafal Graczyk, Krzysztof Pozniak, Ryszard S.Romaniuk - Institute of Electronic Systems, Warsaw University of Technology
Rafal Graczyk, Krzysztof Pozniak, Ryszard S.Romaniuk - Institute of Electronic Systems, Warsaw University of Technology

DOOCS Patterns, Reusable Software Components for FPGA Based RF Gun Field Controller
Piotr Pucyk - Institute of Electronic Systems, Warsaw University of Technology
Piotr Pucyk - Institute of Electronic Systems, Warsaw University of Technology

Stability of the Master Oscillator for FLASH at DESY (Thesis)
Bastian Lorbeer - Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik TUHH/DESY
also published as TESLA-FEL Report 2006-12
Bastian Lorbeer - Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik TUHH/DESY
also published as TESLA-FEL Report 2006-12

Timing Requirements and Proposal of a Timing Concept for the European XFEL
Elmar Vogel, Valeri Ayvazyan, Jan Becker, Wilhelm Kriens, Kay Rehlich, Stefan Simrock and Patrick Tege - DESY
also published as TESLA-FEL Report 2006-13
Elmar Vogel, Valeri Ayvazyan, Jan Becker, Wilhelm Kriens, Kay Rehlich, Stefan Simrock and Patrick Tege - DESY
also published as TESLA-FEL Report 2006-13