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TESLA-FEL Reports 2005

Estimation of Field Amplitudes during the Operation of the 1.5 Cell Photoelectron RF Gun of the PITZ Collaboration
D.Janssen - Forschungszentrun Rossendorf
D.Janssen - Forschungszentrun Rossendorf

Bunch Length Measurements Using a Martin-Puplett Interferometer at the VUV-FEL
Lars Fröhlich - Dept. of Physics, Universität Hamburg and DESY
Lars Fröhlich - Dept. of Physics, Universität Hamburg and DESY

Measurements of the Transverse Emittance at the VUV-FEL (Diploma Thesis)
Florian Löhl - Dept. of Physics, Universität Hamburg and DESY
Florian Löhl - Dept. of Physics, Universität Hamburg and DESY

Investigation of the Longitudinal Charge Distribution of Electron Bunches at the VUV-FEL Using the Transverse Deflecting Cavity LOLA (Diploma Thesis)
Andy Bolzmann - Department of Physics of the Bayerische Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg and DESY
Andy Bolzmann - Department of Physics of the Bayerische Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg and DESY

Contributions to the FEL2005 Conference 21-26 August 2005, Stanford University, Stanford
compiled by Oliver Grimm - DESY
compiled by Oliver Grimm - DESY

Digital Low Level RF Control System for the DESY TTF/VUV-FEL Linac
Valeri Ayvazyan, Stefan Choroba, Alexander Matyushin, Günter Möller, Georg Petrosyan, Kay Rehlich, Stefan Simrock, Petr Vetrov - DESY
Valeri Ayvazyan, Stefan Choroba, Alexander Matyushin, Günter Möller, Georg Petrosyan, Kay Rehlich, Stefan Simrock, Petr Vetrov - DESY

TTF2 ACC5 Gradient Measurements
Kirsten Hacker, Pedro Castro, Markus Hüning, Dirk Nölle, Holger Schlarb, Evgeny Schneidmiller, Elke Plönjes - DESY
Kirsten Hacker, Pedro Castro, Markus Hüning, Dirk Nölle, Holger Schlarb, Evgeny Schneidmiller, Elke Plönjes - DESY

Cavity Parameters Identification for TESLA Control System Development
Tomasz Czarski, Krzysztof T. Pozniak, Ryszard S. Romaniuk - ISE, Warsaw University of Technology;
Stefan Simrock - DESY
Tomasz Czarski, Krzysztof T. Pozniak, Ryszard S. Romaniuk - ISE, Warsaw University of Technology;
Stefan Simrock - DESY

Nb-Pb Superconducting RF Gun
Jacek Sekutowicz, Jens Iversen, Guennadi Kreps, Wolf-Dietrich Möller, Waldemar Singer, Xenia Singer - DESY;
Ilan Ben-Zvi, A. Burrill, J. Smedley, T. Rao - BNL;
Massimo Ferrario - INFN Frascati; Peter Kneisel - Jefferson Lab;
Jerzy Langner, P. Strzyzewski - Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies;
R. Lefferts, A. Lipski - State University of New York;
K. Szalowski - University of Lodz; K. Ko, L. Xiao - SLAC
Jacek Sekutowicz, Jens Iversen, Guennadi Kreps, Wolf-Dietrich Möller, Waldemar Singer, Xenia Singer - DESY;
Ilan Ben-Zvi, A. Burrill, J. Smedley, T. Rao - BNL;
Massimo Ferrario - INFN Frascati; Peter Kneisel - Jefferson Lab;
Jerzy Langner, P. Strzyzewski - Soltan Institute for Nuclear Studies;
R. Lefferts, A. Lipski - State University of New York;
K. Szalowski - University of Lodz; K. Ko, L. Xiao - SLAC

Impact of Undulator Wake-Fields and Tapering on the European X-Ray FEL Performance
Martin Dohlus, Torsten Limberg, Igor Zagorodnov - DESY
Martin Dohlus, Torsten Limberg, Igor Zagorodnov - DESY