Documentation & Reports of the TESLA collaboration

The TESLA collaboration

-The unrivaled combination of linear collinder and integrated X-ray lasers makes a TESLA unique proposition.

- The conviction that the more the project progressed into completely new technological territory, the more foreign colleagues would be interested in the development and construction of a new, large accelerator proved correct and rapidly resulted in impressive international participation in the development work for the TESLA project.

- 49 institutions from 12 countries (stauts on 9/2002) are involved in the development work for the test facility both in terms of the required personnel and financial means.

- DESY only bears around half of the entire cost while the other half is born by institutes participating in the project and their home countries.

- The international facility TESLA Research Center will be run as a large-scale international cooperation.

TESLA Technical Design Report
application/pdf PART I (1.3 MB)
Executive Summary
Editors: F. Richard J. R. Schneider D. Trines A. Wagner
application/pdf PART II (32.5 MB)
The Accelerator
Editors: R. Brinkmann K. Flöttmann J. Roßbach P. Schmüser N. Walker H. Weise
application/pdf Part III (4.1 MB)
Physics at an e+ e− Linear Collider
Editors: R.-D.Heuer, D.Miller, F.Richard, P.M.Zerwas
application/pdf PART IV (4.4 MB)
A Detector for TESLA
Editors: T.Behnke, S.Bertolucci, R.D.Heuer, R.Settles
application/pdf PART V (19.4 MB)
The X-RAY Free Electron Laser
Editors: G. Materlik, Th. Tschentscher
application/pdf PART VI (3.8 MB)
Editors: R. Klanner, Chapter 1: V. Telnov, Chapter 2: U. Katz, M. Klein, A. Levy, Chapter 3: R. Kaiser, W.-D. Nowak, Chapter 4: E. DeSanctis, J.-M. Laget, K. Rith
Conceptual Design Report of a 500 GeV e+e- Linear Collider with Integrated X-ray Laser Facility

DESY 1997-048
ECFA 1997-182

R. Brinkmann, G. Materlik, J. Rossbach, A. Wagner

Chapter 1: Particle Physics
Chapter 2: Detector for the Linear Collider
Chapter 3: TESLA Linear Collider
Chapter 4: S-Band Linear Collider
Chapter 5: A Superbrilliant X-ray Laser Facility
Appendix A: Second Interaction Region for gamma-gamma and e-gamma Collisions
Appendix B: ELFE@DESY: An Electron Laboratory for Europe at DESY

application/pdf Chapter 1: (1.3 MB)
Particle Physics
application/pdf Chapter 2: (3.1 MB)
Detector for the Linear Collider
application/pdf Chapter 3: (6.4 MB)
TESLA Linear Collider
application/pdf Chapter 4: (5.1 MB)
S-Band Linear Collider
application/pdf Appendix A: (2.2 MB)
Second Interaction Region for gamma-gamma and e-gamma Collisions
application/pdf Appendix B: (412KB)
ELFE@DESY: An Electron Laboratory for Europe at DESY
The Conceptual Design Report for the TTF: Linac
application/pdf CDR for the TTF (6.3 MB)
The Conceptual Design Report for the TESLA Test Facility (TTF) Linac, Version 1.0
The Conceptual Design Report for the TTF: Linac UPDATE
application/pdf CDR for the TTF (Update) (2.9 MB)
The Conceptual Design Report for the TESLA Test Facility (TTF) Linac (Update)
The Conceptual Design Report for the TTF: Free-Electron Laser
application/pdf CDR FEL for TTF (17.5 MB)
The Conceptual Design Report for the TESLA Test Facility (TTF) Free-Electron Laser