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TESLA-FEL Reports 2000
Reports which are only available as paper copy can be ordered by contacting Katrin Lando.
Please give your complete postal address when requesting a report.

Monitoring the Beam Position at the TESLA Test Facility Free Electron Laser (Thesis)
Thorsten Kamps - Humboldt-Universität Berlin/DESY
Thorsten Kamps - Humboldt-Universität Berlin/DESY

Diffraction Effects in the SASE FEL: Numerical Simulation and Theory
Evgeny L. Saldin, Evgeny A. Schneidmiller - DESY;
Mikhail V. Jurkov - JINR Dubna
Evgeny L. Saldin, Evgeny A. Schneidmiller - DESY;
Mikhail V. Jurkov - JINR Dubna
TESLA FEL 2000-03
not published

Transverse Phase Space Studies in TTF Photoinjector During Run 00-01. A Comparison between Simulation and Experiment.
Philippe Piot, Klaus Flöttman, Siegfried Schreiber, Daniel Sertore - DESY;
A. Cianchi - INFN Frascati; L. Catani - INFN Roma II
Philippe Piot, Klaus Flöttman, Siegfried Schreiber, Daniel Sertore - DESY;
A. Cianchi - INFN Frascati; L. Catani - INFN Roma II

Contributions to the FEL2000 Conference, August 13-18, 2000 in Durham (North Carolina) USA
TESLA FEL 2000-06
Proceedings of the Workshop on "Methods and Instrumentation for an X-FEL" (6/2000)
paper copy available on request

Conceptual Design of the Gap Separation Drives for the Undulators for the TESLA X-FEL
Manfred Rueter, Joachim Pfüger - DESY
Manfred Rueter, Joachim Pfüger - DESY

A Prototype Phase Shifter for the Undulator Systems at the TESLA X-Ray FEL
Joachim Pflüger, Markus Tischer - DESY
Joachim Pflüger, Markus Tischer - DESY

Ein SIMATIC basiertes Kontrollsystem für die Undulatoren des TESLA Röntgenlasers
H.H. Radszuweit, J. Krunkowski - Siemens AG, ATD;
Joachim Pflüger, Markus Tischer - DESY
Report is in German
H.H. Radszuweit, J. Krunkowski - Siemens AG, ATD;
Joachim Pflüger, Markus Tischer - DESY
Report is in German

Manufacturing Considerations of the Magnetic Structures for the Undulators for the X-FEL at TESLA
R. Cremer, F.J. Börgemann - Vacuumschmelze;
Joachim Pflüger, Markus Tischer - DESY
R. Cremer, F.J. Börgemann - Vacuumschmelze;
Joachim Pflüger, Markus Tischer - DESY

Conceptual Design of a Helical Undulator for a TESLA SASE FEL
J. Bahrdt, Uwe Englisch, W. Frentrup, A. Gaupp, M. Scheer - DESY
J. Bahrdt, Uwe Englisch, W. Frentrup, A. Gaupp, M. Scheer - DESY

Magnet Design of a Prototype Structure for the X-Ray FELs at TESLA
Markus Tischer, Joachim Pflüger - DESY
Markus Tischer, Joachim Pflüger - DESY

Photon Diagnostics for the X-Ray FELs at TESLA
Markus Tischer, Ulrich Hahn, Joachim Pflüger, Horst Schulte-Schrepping - DESY;
P. Ilinski - APS Argonne National Lab
Markus Tischer, Ulrich Hahn, Joachim Pflüger, Horst Schulte-Schrepping - DESY;
P. Ilinski - APS Argonne National Lab

Field Accuracy Requirements for the Undulator Systems of the X-Ray FEL's at TESLA
Bart Faatz, Joachim Pflüger - DESY
Bart Faatz, Joachim Pflüger - DESY

Influence of Different Focusing Solutions for the TESLA X-Ray FEL's on Debunching of the Electron Beam
Bart Faatz - DESY
Bart Faatz - DESY

Design Considerations for a 1 Angstrom SASE Undulator
Bart Faatz - DESY; P. Elleaume, J. Chavanne - ESFR Grenoble
Bart Faatz - DESY; P. Elleaume, J. Chavanne - ESFR Grenoble
TESLA FEL 2000-17
Proceedings of the Workshop on "Surface and Interface Physics with the FEL Facility" (5/2000)
paper copy available on request
TESLA FEL 2000-18
Proceedings of the Workshop on "Chemical Applications of the FEL Facility" (6/2000)
paper copy available on request
TESLA FEL 2000-19
Proceedings of the Workshop on "Nuclear Applications of the FEL Facility" (4/2000)
paper copy available on request
TESLA FEL 2000-20
Proceedings of the Workshop on "Non-Linear Optics, Quantum Optics and Ultrashort Phenomena ..." (7/2000)
paper copy available on request

Study of a Beam Transport and Distribution System for the TESLA X-Ray Facility
Klaus Flöttmann - DESY; V.V. Paramonov - INR
Klaus Flöttmann - DESY; V.V. Paramonov - INR
TESLA FEL 2000-22
Proceedings of the X-FEL Workshop on "Hard Condensed Matter Physics" (7/2000)
paper copy available on request
TESLA FEL 2000-23
Proceedings of the Workshop on "Atomic, Molecular and Cluster Physics with Short Wavelength Radiation from Free-Electron-Lasers" (September 4/5, 2000)
paper copy available on request
TESLA FEL 2000-24
Proceedings of the Workshop on "Life Sciences at the Free-Electron-Laser (X-FEL)" (9/2000)
paper copy available on request

Summary of the Resistive Wake-Field Effects in TESLA - FEL Transfer Line
M.I. Ivanian, V.M. Tsakanov - Yerevan Physics Institute
M.I. Ivanian, V.M. Tsakanov - Yerevan Physics Institute

Surface Roughness Study for the TESLA-FEL
Martin Dohlus - DESY; M.I. Ivanian, V.M. Tsahanov - Yerevan Physics Institute
Martin Dohlus - DESY; M.I. Ivanian, V.M. Tsahanov - Yerevan Physics Institute