TESLA-FEL Reports 2001

application/pdf TESLA FEL 2001-01 (194KB)
LINAC-Based Synchrotron Radiation Facility with Femtosecond Soft X-ray Pulses
Werner Brefeld, Evgeny L. Schneidmiller - DESY;
Jacek Krzywinski - IP PAS; Mikhail V. Yurkov - JINR Dubna
application/pdf TESLA FEL 2001-02 (372KB)
Development of a Femtosecond Soft X-ray SASE FEL at DESY
Werner Brefeld, Evgeny L. Schneidmiller - DESY;
Jacek Krzywinski - IP PAS; Mikhail V. Yurkov - JINR Dubna
application/pdf TESLA FEL 2001-03 (7.4 MB)
Conceptual Design of the TESLA XFEL Photoinjector
Massimo Ferarrio - INFN-LNF;
Klaus Flöttmann, Thorsten Limberg, Philippe Piot - DESY;
B.Grigoryan - YerPhI
application/pdf TESLA FEL 2001-04 (283KB)
Beam Based Alignment of the TESLA X-Ray FEL Undulator
Bart Faatz - DESY
application/pdf TESLA FEL 2001-06 (962KB)
Generation of Ultrashort Electron Bunches by Cancellation of Nonlinear Distortions in the Longitudinal Phase Space
Klaus Flöttmann, Thorsten Limberg, Philippe Piot - DESY
application/pdf TESLA FEL 2001-07 (1.9 MB)
PC-based Software Tools for Wire Scanner Measurements at the TTF
Mark Lomperski - DESY
application/pdf TESLA FEL 2001-08 (749KB)
Parameter Evaluation for Microwave Undulator Schemes
Mike Seidel - DESY
application/pdf TESLA FEL 2001-09 (8.6 MB)
Contributions to the FEL2001 Conference, August 20-24, 2001 in Darmstadt, Germany