Publications 1996


M. Geitz, A. Kabel, G. Schmidt, H. Weise
Bunch Compressor II at the TESLA Test Facility
Published in *New York 1999, Particle Accelerator, vol. 4* 2507-2509

application/pdf WEP110.pdf (111KB)
(original version)

T. Limberg, H. Weise (DESY), A. Molodozhentsev, V. Petrov
The Bunch Compression System at the TESLA Test Facility FEL
Nucl. Instr. Meth. A375, (1996) 322-324.

J. Rossbach, Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY, 22603 Hamburg , Germany
New Linac Based Free Electron Laser Projects using Bright Electron Beams
Geneva 1996, Linear Accelerator Conference, vol. 2, p. 275-279, CERN Geneva - CERN-96-07

application/pdf LINAC1996_p275-279.pdf (502KB)
(original version of the paper from JACoW)

H. Weise, for the TESLA Collaboration
Status of the TESLA Test Facility Linac
Geneva 1996, Linear Accelerator Conference, vol. 2* 533-535, CERN Geneva - CERN-96-07

application/pdf LINAC1996_p533-536.pdf (28KB)
(original version)